Acorn Beach Glass and Artistry - Home

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What time is it? Time for something made with Great Lakes beach glass!

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What time is it? Time for something made with Great Lakes beach glass!

Acorn Beach Glass-Mugs and Coasters Acorn Beach Glass-Mugs and Coasters
Mugs and Coaster Sets-Sea Turtles-Click to see current stock designs
potted flowers
sold out
potted flowers
Acorn Beach Glass-Mug and Coaster Sets Acorn Beach Glass-Mug and Coaster Sets
Mugs and Coaster Sets-Teddy Bears-Click t see current stock designs
Acorn Beach Glass-Mug and Coaster Sets Acorn Beach Glass-Mug and Coaster Sets
sold out
Mugs and Coaster Sets-I love Beachglass- Click to see current custom design
Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas Tree