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Our Story - How Acorn Beach Glass and Artistry Began

A new year-a typical life. It was the beginning of 2016-Life was simple, comfortable, and fun-filled with good health, family, and friends.
Nothing out of the ordinary.....until I received a call from my little brother. “I wasn’t feeling good so I went on the Internet and found out I must have a gall bladder issue. Turns out, the Internet wasn’t exactly spot on. I was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer.” Of course, the family came together to do all we could, friends jumped in, work was understanding and so we were in the middle of his battle, filled with hope when my Oldest brother called. “Ain’t this something? I was just diagnosed with liver cancer. but don’t worry, the type I have is treatable”
My little brother lost his battle in September
My oldest brother lost his battle in December
Still reeling from that and only two weeks later my sister called. “I am having some issues with my diabetes and they admitted me to the hospital. But don’t worry, they have it under control.” ......and then they didn’t.
I lost three siblings in 6 months.
The Great Lakes have been a playground in my backyard forever. It’s where I grew up, spending many weekends out on the water with my siblings, enjoying our parents love of boating.
I think of my time on the beaches of Lake Erie scouring for beach glass as my happy place these days. This is a time when I can go and relive sweet memories of my sibs and our time together, even if it is only in my heart. I started to pick up pieces of really cool looking pieces of glass. Soon, I had jars and jars of it. Sorted by color and quality and however else I could think of to display it.
As my collection grew it appeared I had more than jars full of glass. I started making jewelry, and pictures, and ornaments, and wine stoppers, and, well, you get the idea. The shores of Lake Erie are still my happy place but it was time for the next step.
I have repurposed the glass I find into all kinds of collectibles and accessories.
From that was created Acorn Beach Glass and Artistry!
I hope when you purchase something from my collection, that you too will have found a little happiness in your world.